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This page provides the framework for displaying the language ability of users on their user page. This helps with communication by listing the languages and the level thereof the user can understand.

Census in Babel

Nfurmaziune babel utente
en-N This user has a native understanding of English.
ja-1 この利用者は初級日本語ができます。
Utente pe' lengua

Not everyone at the meta speaks the same language. To help with communication Users can categorize themselves into different language categories on their user page. Example language groups are: en for English, de for German, and so on. Additionally, users can specify their level of proficiency in the language.

  • 1 stands for basic knowledge, i.e. the ability to understand and answer simple questions in the language.
  • 2 stands for intermediate knowledge.
  • 3 stands for advanced or fluent knowledge, i.e. the ability to correct spelling and grammar errors in the language.
  • Category without number stands for native language speakers (so-called mother tongue).

For example, de-1 refers to a user with basic skills in German, and en-3 refers to a user with advanced skills in English. The two-letter language code is the two-letter code as described in ISO 639. (See Complete list of language wikis available).

Here is a sample of template usage: see the example of language skill box on the above. If your language has templates already on Commons, you can copy them here. (See Commons:Commons:Babel).

To draw the box above you write as the below:
